A new week has come with a great news: DirectoryEngine is updated with more options and a ton of bug fixes.

New implementations

Add new criteria in the “DE list place” widget

Besides the original criterias: “Featured posts” and “Recent posts”, admins now have another option when setting up the widgets.
In the widget “DE list place”, you can see the new criteria “DE list place” in the “Query” section.

widget - DirectoryEngine

If you choose this option, the places which have events will be displayed first, above the other ones.

has event - DirectoryEngine

Admins can also set up this function using “Visual composer”, which is another easy way to control your site.

visual composer - DirectoryEngine

Complete email system

A new notification is added, from now on, whenever users do their payment after submitting a listing, admins will receive an email informing them about these actions.

mail - DirectoryEngine

Update single place’s breadcrumbs

Breadcrumb provides links which helps users to know which page they are on and then they can conveniently move to another page.
With the new version of DirectoryEngine, the breadcrumb is updated, users don’t have to confuse which page they are in anymore.

Enhance “search” function

In addition to the old filter “Categories”, the system’s supported another one. After receive the search result, users can use “Location” as a new filter tool.

filter - DirectoryEngine

Style for print preview page

With this implementation, the print preview page will appear beautifully. Users can check it out first before print the place’s detailed information.

print preview - DirectoryEngine

Bug fixes

1. Fix bugs in mobile’s version

– Fix “Menu” issue: no more clutter, the menu will appear beautifully in your mobile.
– Fix “Menu button” issue: the sub categories now can be selected on touch screen.
– The categories now filter fine.
– Fix profile issue.
– Fix word font.
– Fix “Translation” issue: the Save function works fine now.
– Fix “Review” issue: the review won’t be duplicated anymore.

mobile version-directoryengine
2. Fix the appearance of some buttons: The sub categories, Social networks share buttons, “Log in” button and “Favorite” button work fine now.
3. Fix “Translation” issue: a new text has been added to complete the translation system.
4. Fix grammatical errors.
5. Admins now allow to add hyper link to text.
6. Fix Excerpt text issue.
7. Fix “Edit” issue: Users now can edit their listings as well as their profiles.
8. Fix password fields: the profile type of the textbox are now correct.
9. The filter system based on rating now works fine.
10. Users now can upload images after register in post place.
11. Fix “Upload photos” issue.
12. Fix padding issue.
13. Justifying comment content.
14. Fix “search” issue.
15. Notification appears when unlogged – in users favorite a place.
16. Fix problems when using Safari browser.
17. Fix “Header” transparent issue.
18. Fix “Comment” issue: the comments won’t be removed if you “unfavorite a place”.
19. Fix html with unfiltered content.
20. Fix “Header” issue: the header currently works fine on touch devices, it will become transparent on scroll then return normal when you depress the screen.

  • morganthx
    Sep  15TH,  2014

    wow, great to see you guys working your way towards the perfect directory solution. Cheers! (and Thanks)

    • An
      Sep  16TH,  2014

      Thanks for your support ^^

  • Aashish
    Sep  15TH,  2014

    Hi ET Team,

    I am interested in purchasing the Directory Engine theme and had put across my queries in the pre-sales questions regarding the terms of use & service which will be provided from your end. If somebody purchases the DE theme at this stage is the Life Support still applicable or whats the new terms of use ?

    Your resolution to the above query would help me decide to buy the theme or not.


    • An
      Sep  16TH,  2014

      Dear Aashish,

      According to our TOS, each product you purchase from EngineThemes includes updates and our official support for 12 months from the date of purchase. After the expiry date, you can choose to continue the subscription with 50% off of the original price to keep receiving updates & support for another year.

      You may want to check out for more details following this link:



  • BZM
    Sep  16TH,  2014

    i don’t understand the visual composer feature … Could you explain much more ? Thx

  • Danny Cheeseman
    Sep  18TH,  2014


    Is there any way to import locations from a csv?



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