Happy holiday our beloved customers,

How’s your holiday? Are you ready for a great new year? Today, we would like to upgrade your classified ads website to the new version 2.6.2 for the new year to come. In this update, instead of using modal, there is a page for account sign up or log in; other bugs in the email system, profile settings, and infinite scroll are properly fixed. Moreover, CE Coupon is updated to version 1.3.1 so the extension now works well on mobile.

ClassifiedEngine 2.6.2

Registration page on desktop & login page on mobile

On the desktop, the register modal is replaced with a separate page with the hope that users would have a better experience on your classified listing theme.

On the other hand, the sign in page used to be unavailable on mobile. But the good news is that ClassifiedEngine 2.6.2 is now more responsive, and your site users could log in using mobile.

Here’s what it looks on mobile. First, go to Login section (image on the left), then login page appears (image on the right).

ClassifiedEngine update 2.6.2 mobile login

Avatar is well saved in profile settings

Yes. Just be assured that every change to your profile photo is properly saved in the system. And well displayed in the front-end also.

Only one confirmation email is sent after user registers an account

Once a new user registers for an account, the logic is that a confirmation mail is sent out. Then the second mail of successful sign up is only delivered after the user confirms new account. But, listing directory theme users happened to receive these 2 mails at the same time.

We have resolved the case in this version. Thus, your new users would receive just one confirmation email. Successful registration is then notified directly on site.

Auto loading with Infinite Scroll function

Infinite Scroll feature is now what it is. When you enable this option in the back-end (Engine Settings → Advanced Settings → Infinite Scroll), more ads listings on your classified WordPress website are loaded automatically.

ClassifiedEngine update 2.6.2 Infinite Scroll

CE Coupon 1.3.1 – CE Coupon plugin functions seamlessly on mobile

The issue with CE Coupon is fixed so now you can activate and use this coupon plugin on the mobile version.

These are all new updates I would inform you in this version. I hope it helps. Should you have any issues upgrading ClassifiedEngine version 2.6.2, please feel free to message us at support@enginethemes.com. Our customer service team are happy to talk to you.

And one more thing. Don’t forget our year-end promotion 20% off for everything. Hurry up since it will go away when 2015 ends. Have a productive new year!

  • Yunior
    Dec  30TH,  2015

    Great job guys! But what about the “Fatal error” in “CE ad map” ad map cant be activated!!!!!

  • an nguyen
    Jan  05TH,  2016


    Regarding this issue, would you mind moving to our forum and submit a ticket? We need further information to visit and check up the site.

    We know that it’ll be a little bit inconvenient but our technical supporters work mainly in forum. Moreover, the ticket system also keep your private information safe and you will be reached within 24 hours or a bit late at weekends.

    Thanks for your patience and sympathy.



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