CE eBay

Not enough ads to fill your ad board? No worries. ClassifiedEngine releases today its new plugin – CE eBay – that will keep your ad site filled up with ads from eBay.com. It’s a quick solution especially for start-ups. With easy-to-use settings in the backend, admins can import and manage all imported eBay ads.

CE eBay API settings - Classified Ad Software, WordPress Classified Theme

The Manual import settings allow admins to set some parameters and search only for ads that match his criteria. From the Search results, admins can select which ad to import and can even assign a category and location for each ad.

CE eBay Import ads - Classified Ad Software, WordPress Classified Theme

In front-end, your imported eBay ads are displayed just the same as your normal ads.

CE eBay ads - Classified Ad Software, WordPress Classified Theme

ClassifiedEngine v1.1.1

Not huge updates for ClassifiedEngine this time but this update gets rid of some minor bugs you might not have noticed bugging around.

– Incorrect address display on Ads
If a seller posted ads with different addresses, the address that appears on all ads is the same and it’s the location of the seller. With this update, you should see the ads with their correct addresses.

– Infinite scroll not working when browsing as a normal user, works only when logged in as admin

– Revise texts for package plans
Sellers will see the texts below displayed on the sidebar of Post-an-Ad page when they choose a multiple ads plan:
        – Before payment when method is Cash or payments that are pending for approval – You purchased package “Plan B” and have “x” ad/s left. Your posted ad is pending until payment.
        – After payment – You purchased package “Plan B” and have “x” ad/s left.



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