HotelEngine version 2.0.2

In this update, we focus on optimizing the booking flow so that users won’t meet any trouble surfing the site.

Fix “Directly booking” issue

In the previous versions, admins had encountered some problem while manually making a booking. All the bugs has been ironed out, the hotel owners now can easily add new booking for customers.

booking in admin-HotelEngine


Fix “Booking date” issue

When users made their booking, they could not choose the “check out” date in 2015. The bug has been fixed, users now can make the booking in whichever year they want.
Besides, the format date has also been changed from “dd mm yyyy” to “yyyy/mm/dd”. By this way, users won’t meet any trouble using a different language.
Also, users now can change booking date after submitting their forms.


Fix “Responsive” issue

With this update, list of rooms is displayed beautifully not only on desktop version but also in other devices such as mobile phones, tablets…
Moreover, the sub menu won’t fade away when you hover on it any more.


ForumEngine version 1.5.6

Similar to HotelEngine, ForumEngine is updated with security bug fix and much more…

Update schema Google rating on mobile version

Surely, many of you have acknowledge the benefit of Google schema rating for your site. This feature is now implemented in mobile version, which will help you to boost up your SEO.

Fix “Facebook login” issue

Users now won’t meet any trouble using their Facebook account to access the site. No more hassles blocking your way anymore.


Fix “Edit thread” issue

From now on, whenever you edit the new posted thread or post, the formatting won’t be messed up anymore.
Also, the “Insert code” button is added in the “post a thread” and “edit a thread” form.

insert code-ForumEngine

Fix “Slugs” issue

The slug “author” in every links have been changed to member to keep the unification in the site.


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