Rogue London

Just purchased this… hope I win the free one but worth every dollar anyway!!! Thanks for really thinking about your product…

Susanna Marsiglia

Absolutely awesome! Love the markers on the map. Looks absolutely amazing, the sweat blood and tears your team put into this product was well worth it! Cheers to you!

Moritz Dawo

Hey, this theme is looking very great and professional, thank you very much for inspiring the world of business

Jason Comes

Looks absolutely amazing, the sweat blood and tears your team put into this product was well worth it! Cheers to you!

Jean Galea

I love this theme’s design, it is very much in line with the latest design trends, keeping things simple and focusing on the usability aspect.


I liked this theme immensely. The theme option panel is a breeze to use and the setup wizard makes it really easy to get your site up and running with ease without having to dig though loads of settings first..

Devesh Sharma

ClassifiedEngine theme is well designed and comes with all the essential features that you will need to create a classified listings site with WordPress.


ClassifiedEngine theme is well designed and comes with all the essential features that you will need to create a classified listings site with WordPress.

Sean Taylor

We had trouble finding a user-friendly, beautiful classifieds theme over the past year. We even considered building our own from scratch. We then discovered ClassifiedEngine by EngineThemes. The theme is professional and support is wonderful.

B. Beyaz

With its user friendly WP dashboard and its superb design CE Classified is a recipe for success. Congratulations.

James Lamont

It is a great theme and providing a perfect solution for my current project! It’ll help me have a great business opportunity in my local town!


Its pleasure working with the team and I am impressed not only with the theme, but also the way you do business. All the best for your future endeavors.

Pinch Deals

ClassifiedEngine is exactly what our team has been waiting since the last two years and I applaud your design team for the perfect design interface to modern design and clean for an engine site on WordPress.

Gina Mclennon

We were looking for a product with a touch of modernism. ClassifiedEngine grasped our needs and produced a stunning design. Just what I was looking for…

Zohdi Rizvi

It’s phenomenal, outstanding, gorgeous and intrigues a user to stick on site. Surely, it contains lot of charisma in itself. Kudos to whole team 🙂