ForumEngine version 1.6.4 – The best WordPress Theme to build your online community – is compatible with WordPress 4.3

EngineThemes would like to introduce to you ForumEngine version 1.6.4. This new update is compatible with WordPress 4.3. Besides, it has an improvement that will make your website work more efficiently.

Compatible with WordPress 4.3

ForumEngine 1.6.4

The version 4.3 of WordPress, named “Billie”, is available in August 2015. With this WordPress version, everything is getting easier for you to format and customize your website.

  • Your write flow is faster with new formatting shortcuts.
  • Keep website be more secure with better passwords.
  • Site icons represent your site in your whole website.
  • Menus in the Customizer
  • Customize your site quickly by clicking the customize link in the toolbar on front-end.

Now, ForumEngine version 1.6.4 is compatible with WordPress 4.3. The performance of your website will be better.

Improve Layout Style for Home page

EngineThemes knows that the first thing need to do when admin has just bought ForumEngine is customizing Home page. The more attractive Home page is, the longer users will stay on your site, right? Now admin can choose the layout style in the front-end. Just click on the Settings symbol in Home page and choose the style you want.

Layout Style - ForumEngine 1.6.4


For example, I choose “Right Sidebar” and this is the result.

Homepage - ForumEngine 1.6.4


If you have any problem while updating ForumEngine ver 1.6.4, you can send an email to Our technical support staff will solve your  problem as soon as possible.


  • ferdian
    Sep  29TH,  2015

    You should put feature image upload in mobile version at the top of the incoming update list.
    It’s ridiculous you ignore this very important feature.

    • Pete
      Oct  05TH,  2015

      Couldn’t agree more!

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