As you can see, coupons have become really effective nowadays in the marketing field. They encourages customers to use your products since they know they are offered a cheaper price. Understanding the benefit of a successful coupon campaign would bring, we’re happy to introduce a trusted friend that helps you to start your campaign right away: CE COUPON.
CE Coupon allows admins to create discount codes for their package plans and sellers can now get a cheaper price by using these codes when posting ads.
To create a coupon code, the process is pretty straight-forward:
– Coupon Usage Count: Enter a number to limit how many times a coupon can be used.
– Discount: Enter the discounted value (specific amount or percentage)
– User Coupon Usage Count: Enter a number to limit how many times a specific user can use the coupon.
– Dates: Decide the expiry date for the coupon
– Payment plans: Decide which payment packages the coupon can be used for
CE Coupon is totally compatible with the existing payment gateway extensions: CE Stripe, CE Paymill and CE PayPal Express. In your payment process, the reduced price will be calculated right after you insert the code.
Offering discounts for your customers also means offering great chances for your business:
– It attracts more customers to use your service.
– It encourages regular users to post more ads.
– It transforms a normal site visitor into your customer.
Get CE Coupon now if you’re thinking of a new marketing campaign for your ad business.
Besides introducing CE Coupon, we also have some small changes in CE Adroll and CE Ad Alert:
– CE Adroll: changing Slider effects.
– CE Ad Alert: bug fixed, changing the way to get the minify value.
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Thanks for your interest in our product.
This product is an extension for the theme ClassifiedEngine. it’s a pity that you can’t use it for other products.
Good Luck
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Like its a pretty good theme ,, with there its coupon code in hopes can increase sales to our business