MicrojobEngine v1.3.10
- Clarify the payment step: show to users which packages they have purchased before and how many posts left in their purchased packages
- Update Chosen library to latest version
- Add real time support for notifications
- Improve displaying the price details of an order for service providers in the order page.
- Fix: also include extra fee when checking out a custom offer from mjob providers
- Fix: normal conversations no longer clear typing messages when new messages come
- Fix: scroll issue on mobile version when activating MjE Bookmark extension
- Fix: allow editing the free published mjob posts
Changelog: https://www.enginethemes.com/changelogs/microjobengine-v1-3-10-feb-21-2023/
MjE Recruit v1.2.5
Prevent users from spamming recruitment posts in the platform.
Changelog: https://www.enginethemes.com/changelogs/mje-recruit-v1-2-5-feb-21-2023/
What’s next
We’re currently working on support PHP 8 compatibility for MicrojobEngine, together with other improvements. The next version is planned to be released next month. Thank you for your support.