Fixed “Error Message” issue

Whenever users forget to entry required fields, there will be a message “Please fill out all fields required” shown up to remind them fill up all information needed.

error message

Fixed “Odd Text Display” issue

When user replies a question, the displayed text on the time counter contain two words “ago”. This bug is now fixed.

duplicate text

Fixed “Validate URL” issue in Profile

In Edit Profile Settings, if users entry their social media link incorrectly, there will be a message shown up to remind them correct their information.

Validate URL

Fixed “ UTF-8” issue when adding a new tag

Previously, when users add new tags which contains special characters like Russian, Vietnamese, Chinese, … in Ask a Question form, the tags would not be displayed correctly. Now, this bug has been fixed, users do not face with this problem anymore.


  • PE
    Dec  02ND,  2014

    great works!

  • Pushpendra Pal Singh
    Dec  03RD,  2014

    The information on changelog is complete. Now we can know that which feature or bug is revised in new version.
    Also provide name of updated files.

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