ClassifiedEngine is updated with new implementation and bug fixes. Check it out now! Also, please don’t forget to join our survey.
Implement “Email confirmation” feature
Admins now have right to enable or disable the confirmation process for new users.
Previously, visitors are free to register on your site. Though it helps to simply the process, sometimes you have to receive a lot of spams. With this implementation, users have to confirm their email addresses to complete the registration process.
Of course, if admins don’t want this step, they can easily disable it in their admin panels.
Upload multiple images at once
From now on, users can upload multiple images for the ad using their mobile. The uploading process will be more convenient of course and you can also save a lot of time.
Bug fixes
- Fix “Compatible” issue: Some other payment gateways from WooCommerce have been checked the compatibility with ClassifiedEngine to make sure you won’t meet issues.
- Fix “Record” issue: In the previous version, sellers don’t get sell order even when someone has already ordered an item. The bug has been fixed.
- Fix “Uploading” issue: Previously, when an unregistered user clicks the “post an ad” button and they are presented with the form to create an account, they cannot upload a profile picture when using an Ipad. The problem has gone.
- Fix “Duplicate” issue: The comments won’t be duplicated anymore.
- The “Email config” notification has been styled again.
Will payment solutions work on the Marketplace enabling vendors to accept payments? If so which extensions do we need to purchase?
Maybe the CE Shop extension is what you’re looking for. please take a look at this article for more details:
Thanks I think this exactly what we are looking for. Do you have a live demon with the CE shop extention?
Three further questions:
1) can the administration set a commission like you can on the freelance engine
2) is escrow enabled
3) can Vendors set delivery charges?
Good that it can help you somehow and here’s the link for the demo site. You can use the below credentials to access the admin panel as well:
– username: admindemo
– pass: admindemo
However, the theme hasn’t supported the Escrow system, commission for the site owner and the shipping fee.
Do you have any plans to add the 3 features to the engine?
Currently, these features aren’t in our plans yet. Before developing a new feature, we have to research and discuss first. Therefore,we don’t want to just make a promise and forget it later.
We’ll note them down and inform you later.