In this post, we would like to inform you about the update of DirectoryEngine version 1.9.4 and DE Multirating version 1.4. DirectoryEngine is now compatible with Visual Composer version 4.7.4 and has many useful updates. Besides, DE Multirating has a new feature in review criteria setting.

DirectoryEngine version 1.9.4

Better interactive page builder: Integrated  with the latest Visual Composer version 4.7.4

directoryengine update

Visual Composer is one of the best page builder plugin in the market. It saves you countless hours working on backend and frontend with no programming knowledge required. You just simply add columns and rows, and choose from 40+ predefined elements with a single click, using handy and intuitive UI. Therefore, we have integrated Visual Composer into DirectoryEngine theme so that you can conveniently create your own templates.

However, there were serious XSS security vulnerabilities in the Visual Composer WordPress plugin versions prior to 4.7.4 (releases prior to October 2, 2015) which affected all users. Acknowledging the urgent need of updating Visual Composer to version 4.7.4 to avoid security issues, we update our multipurpose directory listing theme to version 1.9.4 to be compatible with Visual Composer 4.7.4. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you update DirectoryEngine to the latest version then install Visual Composer 4.7.4 to avoid evitable errors.

Custom fields and social network links repositioned for better display:

In this update, all relevant information about the place, such as address, website, operating time and social network links are rearranged into a group for easier reading. You can see this change through before and after pictures below.

Before update                                                                            After update
directoryengine update 2            directoryengine update 3

Multi operating time:

This is a cool function of this update and it is especially beneficial for authors whose places have different operating time throughout the week. The author can add opening-closing time for each day from Monday to Sunday when Submit a place/Select your pricing plan/Enter your place details, and Opening time section is included in this step.

directoryengine update 4

More responsive display on Ipad:

Not only do we focus on big improvements but we also care about small details in our product to deliver the best directory listing WordPress website. Hence, the display on Ipad is now more responsive with elegant design.

directoryengine update 5

New place comment email template for better social opinion management:

Author now could set up email template used to notify author when there is a new comment about his/her place so that he/she can control and have proper response to users’ comments, especially the negative ones. You can adjust the mail content in backend (Engine Settings/Settings/Mailing)

directoryengine update 6

Auto photo resize for better page display:

When oversized photo are uploaded, they will affect the overall display since big photos would take up the space of content, causing reading frustration. In this update, big photos will be automatically resized to properly fit with the content.

DE Multirating v1.4  

Only admin has the right to set place review criteria to establish the uniformity across the page:

Before this update, each author can set review criteria for his place, resulting in criteria difference among various places. In this version, author no longer has the right to set criteria but follow admin’s criteria.
With these updates and improvements, we hope to upgrade our DirectoryEngine and DE Multirating for your better usage. If you have any question while updating DirectoryEngine version 1.9.4 & DE Multirating version 1.4, you can send email to Our technical support staff will help you solve the concern.

  • Peter
    Oct  28TH,  2015

    I am disappointed about your Update. There are no benefits. For instance:
    “Custom fields and social network links repositioned for better display”

    Custom fields below description text has been looked better than all information in den left column. So the look of the places details page is unsymmetric now. Why do You do such things?

    It would have been better to bring more search and filder options into the system. Searching with two categories combined and to sort search-results after for an example.

    Thats my opinion.

    Best regards,

  • Thao Than
    Oct  28TH,  2015

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks for your feedback!

    Each feature is considered to be added in each update because it is voted by many customers in our Forum, then the feature will be considered by our development team. Your suggestion for search and filter functions are good ones, you can post this into DirectoryEngine idea in our forum at to get more votes to be taken into deeper consideration by us.

    Hope you understand.


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