
A small implementation is added in this version. When you search for a keyword, there will be a notification informing the number of results. By this way, users can quickly obtain the information.

Also, some bugs are fixed in FreelanceEngine version 1.6.1

Bugs fixes:

  • Bugs when using Visual Composer: in the previous versions, when users edited Visual composer in the front-end, the tabs would be doubled. Also, if you enabled the extension AE Custom fields, the content wouldn’t appear in the back-end. Those issues have been fixed.
  • Bug in “List project” page: The counter now display the right number
  • Bug after logging in: Previously, even after users have logged in, they still saw the “Login/Register” button. The bug has gone now
  • Bug when translating words: The “Yes/no” text in “Available for hire” section is now translatable
  • The reset button in WP customize works fine now
  • The button to change “status” in mobile version is now clickable
  • You now can upload images in Portfolios without trouble. Moreover, you now can update the profile via mobile devices

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