Hi FreelanceEngine users,

We would like to announce the new update of FreelanceEngine theme to version 1.6.6. In this version, there are more useful features developed and some bugs fixed, making the project bidding theme more responsive, more functional, and smoother.

More features on mobile, in image settings & customizer bar

[Mobile] Stripe with Escrow available for quick & easy transaction:

In this version, Escrow Stripe payment gateway is available on mobile so that employers and freelancers can conveniently make transactions from anywhere.

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[Mobile] Invite freelancer to bid at anytime from anywhere:

Another new feature of FreelanceEngine version 1.6.6 is bidding invitation function on mobile. Employer now can easily invite freelancer to bid in mobile version. This improvement would effectively save time, boost progress, as well as increase work efficiency between employers and freelancers.

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“Remove” button added for logo images:

Before, in Dashboard (Engine Settings → Settings → Branding) section which is for logo upload, users could only upload photos but are unable to remove them.

Now, we have made a new option that allows users to remove the current photo. After removal, it will automatically use the default image for display.

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“Reset” button added in customizer bar:

Besides new photo remove button, there is another button added to the site, which is in the customizer bar. This feature is developed due to huge requests from our valued customers. Clicking on this reset button, the site design will convert back to the default design.

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Bug fixes: Proper translation, more responsive display & better payment flow

Translation issues in Workspace, Portfolio & Modal:

There are some texts that cannot be translated in the previous FreelanceEngine version.

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Now these bugs are fixed. Translating function works seamlessly on our freelance marketplace theme.

Change color in header:

Before, users make change to the color in header section but nothing happens. In this version, when choosing new color for the header, it will change accordingly.

Seamless footer illustration:

There are some issues with footer display in the previous version. In this new update, we have improved all the footers with a uniform design, like this:

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Freelancer’s comment status is shown:

Before, when typing and submitting a comment, freelancers cannot know whether their comments have been approved or not. For easier flow, in FreelanceEngine version 1.6.6, there is a red label put beside each comment to notify freelancers if their comments got approved.

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Disable PayPal when Escrow Stripe enabled:

There was a bug with payment gateway display in the previous version. Theoretically, when turning on Escrow Stripe payment gateway, PayPal gateway was automatically disabled. However, the PayPal email request still appeared on the site, like this:

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In this version, the bug is properly fixed. PayPal email request does not show up when Stripe with Escrow is enabled in the back-end.

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Above are all new updates we curated  in this latest FreelanceEngine update. We hope these improvements would effectively boost your freelance WordPress theme and your users would feel more satisfied with the new version.

If you have any concern while updating FreelanceEngine version 1.6.6, please feel free to drop us a line at support@enginethemes.com. Our technical support staff would assist you with the issue.


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