JobEngine v2.4.3

JobEngine v2.4.3 contains fixes on mixed links of applicants’ profiles, 404 error on Resumes, and Payment plan description on Paypal.

– Some admins have experienced getting a 404 error when clicking Resumes tab after importing sample data. Others were able to fix it by resetting the permalink structure. Even so, we fixed it so you won’t encounter the same bug.

– In the dashboard on a Company account, some links of the applicants’ profiles got mix up that when you click a profile link, the resume that opens does not correspond to the profile name. This shouldn’t be an issue on this version anymore.

JobEngine Dashboard - Job Board Software, WordPress Job Board Theme

– When an employer posts a job and pays through Paypal, the page where he reviews the item he purchased does not include the “item description.” Employers should see it there after you update your site to this version.

We also refactored the job and company-related email function for easy maintenance. With such change, we are actually trying to accomplish a smooth-running JobEngine. We tested the features especially those directly related to e-mailing and everything seems working right. In case you notice any bug, please let us know in our forum or shoot us an email.

JE RSS Importer

Two updates for JE RSS Importer v2.1.3 –

– Before this update, RSS jobs can only be assigned to an admin account. Now admins can assign them to company accounts.

JE RSS Importer settings - Job Board Software, WordPress Job Board Theme

– If you have installed the plugin and received a parse error, it was a bug on line 488. We fixed it in this version.

JE Jobroll v1.0.2

This version fixed one bug: Jobroll does not get updated when there are new jobs that match its parameters.

ForumEngine v1.2.1

Changes for this version of ForumEngine include:

– Add an option for expanding second level replies by default in Settings – Content tab
– Updated “order by thread” in taxonomy page
– Fixed thread’s update time
 Added Google Analytic for mobile version

  • trxerz
    Jan  24TH,  2014

    ForumEngine still v1.2.1 on my account, where I get my v1.3 ForumEngine

    • Anh Chau
      Jan  24TH,  2014

      Hi there, this is a mistake in the blog post. You’re already having the latest version which is v1.2.1. 🙂 Sorry for the confusion.

  • atherdon
    Feb  02ND,  2014

    Hello, want to ask – can you create something like groups on buddy press. Not like bp, your theme more pretty!!! This will be great feature to add grouping.

  • Hammad
    Feb  05TH,  2014

    Hi Team,

    When next update of JE is coming?

  • nitram
    Feb  06TH,  2014

    the issue that you have fixed for JE RSS Importer also exists for JE LinkedIn – please fix there as well!

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