The new version of JE Custom Fields has some updates in the Resume section. The two new fields – image and file – are now available on mobile version. Jobseekers can use their mobile phones to upload their images or files, which make it easier to complete their resumes whenever they want.
Awesome this is. Thank you.
What could make this even more interesting would be an ability to bypass the inherent limitation to attach a PDF or a DOC file type in an iOS mobile device. What I suggest is the option to attach a pdf or doc file from DropBox or Evernote or GoogleDocs by logging into these 3rd data repositories directly from an iPhone or iPad that a job seeker is using to access the job site.
This would genuinely elevate the game as far as this theme is concerned vis-a-vis all other job themes currently available in the market.
You could even add this as a paid extension of the plugin. Whatever you do, I am sure most theme owners are praying that it happens.
Thanks & regards,