We have but few fixes for JobEngine v2.4.4.

1) Resume is turned off but it’s still possible to register as a jobseeker from the Login button. When Resume feature is turned on, users have the option to select “Company” or “Jobseeker” when they register through the Login button. This option must only show the form for Company registration when Resume function is turned off.

Login modal - Job Board Software, WordPress job board theme JobEngine

2) Reordering job types and job categories in the Setup Wizard open multiple gray boxes.

3) Company URL shows not valid. When a link is added in the company website field in Post-a-Job page, the URL is shown as not valid when you click on it from Single Job page.

4) Resume form: Drop down for categories error and a line break needed for a warning text. The categories’ drop down in Create-a-Resume form does not display the categories. Also, the warning that shows when users entered invalid dates for Education and Work Experience is too long and overlaps other icons. The line break is fixed and we’ll revise the long text in the next version, too.

Resume categories - Job board software, WordPress job board theme JobEngine

5) “Get a reminder” bug. Email reminder is not sent.

6) “Reset password” link is not working properly. When a user resets his password, the page displays an invalid key error.

All these issues shouldn’t be annoyances anymore after you update your site. If any of these still does, please tell us in the Comments or alert us in our forum.

  • Mallick Willaim
    Feb  19TH,  2014

    Dear Hazel,

    I admire the efforts you guys are taking to improve the Job Engine App Theme, though I am disappointed by seeing these kind of bugs fixing rather adding some additional value to Theme.

    Its time for betterment of this theme and add some good features instead of doing some repeating features.

    Eagerly Waiting for Major Updates for Job Engine.


  • Hammad
    Feb  19TH,  2014

    Thank you for the update Hazel,

    This was the most waiting update which took 4 weeks to come and still there is not any new feature apart from fixing above issues.

    JE was never that lazy in the start when we first bought the theme, I don’t what’s happening now. I doubt if you guys gonna keep up with your initial pace.

    We are long waiting for a feature for job seekers where they can store a word or pdf resume file with their online account and may use it when they apply for jobs.

    Is there any thing related to this feature in your road map in near future?

  • Anh Chau
    Feb  20TH,  2014

    @mallickwillaim:disqus, @Hammad: Thanks for your feedback. We totally understand your disappointment for this week’s update, which only contains bug fixes. However, releases containing major tweaks and changes usually take more than a week’s time. Rest assured that the coming ones will cover more fields.

    Also, since we came back from the holiday on Feb 5th, we have spent a couple weeks to keep track of things and refine our work flow, as well as analyze our product ideas more and put them into product plan. Those work paid off! Our work flow now is smoother and there will be more changes to make in the coming phrase.

    • Hammad
      Feb  24TH,  2014

      Hi Anh,

      Thank you for all the information and updates on your product. We love your products and like to see them growing each day.

      It’s good at least something is on the plan which gonna be released as a feature soon.

      Thanks again.

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