With the current version of ClassifiedEngine, when you search a product, you can sort by price from by highest to lowest.
But can we sort products from the lowest price to the highest? The answer is YES.
Here is what your result looks like in the front end:
To do this, add these following codes into child-theme/functions.php file:
add_filter( 'ce_ad_custom_sort_args' , 'ce_ad_custom_sort_args_child' ); function ce_ad_custom_sort_args_child($args){ $args['price_asc'] = array( 'label' => __("Price Asc", ET_DOMAIN), 'key' => __("price_asc", ET_DOMAIN)); return $args; } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'pre_get_posts_child', 112 ); function pre_get_posts_child($query) { global $wpdb,$wp_query,$et_global; if ( !$query->is_main_query() ) return $query; $orderby = ce_get_ad_orderby(); if ($orderby == "price_asc"){ $query->set('order','ASC'); $query->set('meta_key','et_price'); add_filter( 'posts_orderby', 'posts_orderby_asc'); } return $query; } function posts_orderby_asc() { global $wpdb; // return "{$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value DESC"; return "{$wpdb->postmeta}.meta_value + 0 ASC, {$wpdb->posts}.post_date DESC"; }
Does not work for me unfortunately keep getting this error:
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘Asc‒ (T_STRING) in /wp-content/themes/classifiedengine-child/functions.php on line 14
Hi Dane,
Would you mind heading to our forum? Our developer here will help you fix this issue.
Hi, are you gonna to implement this in your theme as an option we can easy tick ?
Hi Momo,
Actually, we haven’t had any plan to directly implement in our theme yet. However, you can just follow this tutorial then it’ll work.
Hello An,
As we are now in 2016, I would like to understand why this option has not been implemented to the theme ?
I guess you know this should not be an option but an integrated feature for a classified theme.
I don’t really understand why instead of implementing this small piece of code to the main theme you ask your customers to add this code by their own in their theme.
As you already have the code, for you it’s not a pain to implement it definitively in the theme.
You are asking all your customers to follow the tutorial when for you it requires to do it only 1 time.
Please understand it’s not a disrespect asking you that but as now I am the owner of your theme, I would really appreciate to understand why you ask us to follow your instructions instead of simply implementing good things like that knowing you care of your customers.
No code to sort prices works in the current version of classifiedengine – Could include this feature in the next update? Thank you.
Hello Zelu,
Sorry for the late response.
Could you please create a new ticket at our forum forum.enginethemes.com? Our technical support will check the possibility and provide the code that you can use to customize your site as your requirement.
Thanks a lot.