In the JobEngine version, admin can enter their API Key for Google Maps. Other bug fixes in the job detail, create a resume, and resume pages are fixed as well.

Improvement – API Key for Google Maps

  • Map API Key field is added when you activate the JE JobMap plugin (Engine Settings > Settings > Map API Key).

Bug fixes

  • Map is seamlessly displayed when user clicks on the location in the job detail page.
  • The undefined error doesn’t appear anymore when you approve or reject a resume.
  • Resolved the display error in jobseeker’s profile in case he puts too many texts when creating a resume.

Changed files


For further help, please do not hesitate dropping us a line at

  • topo
    Aug  26TH,  2016

    Still no function for job seeker to deactivate their resume? shame.

    • Chau
      Aug  26TH,  2016

      Hello topo,

      We appreciate your feedback. Currently, the JE theme doesn’t support a function for deactivating user resume. And thus far, we have no plan to implement this specific feature in the next update.

      However, you can create a new thread at the [Idea] Category to get more votes before any further consideration.

      Many thanks.

      • topo
        Sep  01ST,  2016

        Nonsense. This is a critical function. I saw the suggestion have been made in the forum since last year and still nothing

  • Nazrien Zaraini
    Feb  27TH,  2017

    Still no latest update for job engine

    • Thao Le
      Feb  27TH,  2017

      Hi Nazrien,

      Currently, JobEngine has full features and we only release its version hotfix. Therefore, we don’t announce you with these version hotfixes.

  • Paul Byrne
    Apr  18TH,  2017

    A Question, can we change the header and footer colors to what we wish or is this template fixed to the 8 colors available?


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