• Oct 01st, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.11 (Oct 01, 2016)

Ad price can now be edited, updated in back-end even when WooCommerce is turned off.
[Mobile] If no specific value is set for maximum number of ad categories, sellers can choose as many categories for an ad as they wish, like in desktop version.
No more undefined bug when users hit the Resend button of email confirmation.

  • Aug 23rd, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.10 (Aug 23, 2016)

Add Google Maps API Key option to Engine Settings > CE Map settings section
Fields being assigned the category are no longer disappeared after you rearrange the order of these fields
Seamlessly display field being assigned category in back-end when users select this category in the “Post an Ad” modal

  • Jul 15th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.9 (July 15, 2016)

UX improvement for the category selection on both desktop and mobile
[Mobile] Restyle the Post Review modal
[Mobile] The information of an Ad is no longer absented in the account listing page as before

  • Jun 27th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.8 (June 27, 2016)

[Mobile] Get the best display by changing “Search” into “Searching” text when the user is searching
Change text notification of a reposted ads to “Your ads has been submitted and under review by admin. It will be published after being approved”
“Upload profile picture” button works seamlessly on the signup page

  • Jun 06th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.6 (June 6, 2016)

CE Custom Fields version 2.3.3
Seller cannot reject a pending Ads of their own
Resolved conflict with WooCommerce in front-end

  • Apr 29th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.5 (Apr 29, 2016)

Compatible with WordPress 4.5

  • Apr 13th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.4 (Apr 13, 2016)

Translation guide for CE Custom Fields in WPML
Ad price is now optional
More responsive on tablet

  • Mar 15th, 2016

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.3 (Mar 15, 2016)

[Mobile] Profile page is now available
[Mobile] CE Shop integration
[Mobile] “Sold” label properly displayed

  • Dec 28th, 2015

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.2 (Dec 28, 2015)

Registration page on desktop & login page on mobile
[Mobile] CE Coupon plugin functions seamlessly
Avatar is well saved in profile settings

  • Dec 14th, 2015

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.1 (Dec 14, 2015 )

[New feature] “Report Ad” button, ensuring quality ads
[Bug fix] Auto-filled email address when logging with social account
[Bug fix] “Read more” button in Blog section works properly

  • Dec 01st, 2015

ClassifiedEngine v2.6 (Dec 01, 2015 )

Seamless map display in your classified WordPress theme
Link in location search updated
Add to cart auto update

  • Nov 18th, 2015

ClassifiedEngine v2.5 (Nov 18, 2015 )

Power up your classified listing site with the integration of CE Ad Map extension
Correct price record
Proper display of WooCommerce widgets on sidebar

  • Oct 16th, 2015

ClassifiedEngine v2.4 (Oct 16, 2015)

Automatic page creation
HTML and UI refined to work with Woocommerce and CE Shop extension
“Sold” tag added to purchased items

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