• Jun 13th, 2024

MicrojobEngine v1.5.0 (June 12, 2024)

MicrojobEngine v1.5.0 June 12, 2024 —————————————— * improve credit payment modal, clarifying the payment amount * managing unused image uploads by users in dashboard * automatically clean up unused user-uploaded images * request users to confirm before exiting mjob posting & editing form * correctly auto fill mjob data when resuming posting drafts or editing […]

  • Jun 26th, 2023

MicrojobEngine v1.4.0 (Jun 26, 2023)

MjE v1.4.0 Jun 26, 2023 Compatible to WordPress v6.2.2 Compatible to PHP 8.2 Replace Chosen library with Tom Select – allowing searches in dropdown selects in mobile devices Fix multiple minor bugs  

  • Feb 21st, 2023

MjE Recruit v1.2.5 (Feb 21, 2023)

v1.2.5 Feb 21, 2023 —————– admin/admin.php assets/mje_recruit.css inc/ajax_hook.php inc/class-mje-request-front.php inc/class-mje-request.php inc/recruit_emails.php mje_recruit.php readme.txt templates/aside-block.php

  • Feb 21st, 2023

MicrojobEngine v1.3.10 (Feb 21, 2023)

v1.3.10 Feb 21, 2023 ———————- assets/css/main.css assets/css/vendors/chosen.css assets/img/chosen-sprite.png assets/js/conversation.js assets/js/heartbeat.js assets/js/lib/chosen.jquery.min.js footer.php functions.php includes/aecore/class-options.php includes/aecore/functions.php includes/alias-function.php includes/class-mje-heartbeat.php includes/modules/MJE_MJob/class-mje-extra-action.php includes/modules/MJE_MJob/class-mje-mjob-action.php includes/modules/MJE_MJob_Order/class-mje-mjob-order-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Notification/notification-functions.php lang/engine.po sass/includes/pages/_order.scss template/checkout/checkout-custom-order.php template/mjob-order/price.php template/post-service-step1.php

  • Nov 17th, 2018

MicrojobEngine v1.3.7.1 (Oct 31, 2018)

———————— changelog v1.3.71 ———————— Oct 31, 2018 assets/js/front.js changelog.txt functions.php home.php includes/alias-function.php includes/index.php includes/modules/AE_Authentication/class-mJobUserAction.php includes/modules/MJE_Conversation/class-mje-conversation-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Mailing/class-mje-mailing.php includes/tool_data/erase_personal_data.php includes/tool_data/export_personal_data.php includes/tool_data/form.php includes/tool_data/index.php includes/tool_data/snipnet.php lang/engine.mo lang/engine.po page-post-recruit.php skins/diplomat/home.php style.css ———————— changelog v1.3.7 ———————— Sep 20, 2018 changelog.txt functions.php home.php includes/aecore includes/alias-function.php includes/class-mje-order.php includes/modules/AE_VirtualWallet/class-ae-wallet-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Admin/module/payment-gateways/index.php includes/modules/MJE_Conversation/class-mje-conversation-action.php includes/modules/MJE_MJob_Order/class-mje-mjob-order-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Mailing/class-mje-mailing.php lang/engine.mo lang/engine.po page-post-recruit.php skins/diplomat/home.php template/modal-secure-code.php ———————— changelog v1.3.6 ———————— Jul 15, […]

  • Oct 24th, 2017

MicrojobEngine v1.3.5 (Oct 23, 2017)

Improvements Allow adding videos to an mJob Admins now can set a commission fee for the buyers. This is separated with the commission fee for the sellers. Admins can choose to set up only one kind of fee or both of them. Sellers can now withdraw their money to their Paystack account. (MjE Paystack extension […]

  • Apr 20th, 2017

MicrojobEngine v1.3.2 (Apr 20, 2017)

All payment gateways are now managed in one tab, located under the Theme Options section.
Minor improvements on the welcome page from the admin dashboard.
Icons of each section in the admin menu bar are customized instead of the pin icon as before.

  • Jan 16th, 2017

MicrojobEngine v1.3

Display number of unread message(s) instead of a bullet
Change header menu on mobile and tablet to the sticky header

  • Jan 16th, 2017

MicrojobEngine v1.2

Stripe payment gateway
Invoice management
Disable option for shorten price display

  • Oct 17th, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.1.4 (Oct 17, 2016)

New skin for homepage
Change the price number format selection
Change the mJob category selection. Checkbox is appropriately replaced by ratio to sync with the front-end

  • Aug 31st, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.1.2 (Aug 31, 2016)

MicrojobEngine 1.1.2 is compatible with WordPress 4.6
Implement MicrojobEngine Welcome Page in Admin area
New Admin settings area

  • Jul 23rd, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.1.1 (July 23, 2016)

Custom Pricing is the highlight improvement of this version. Seller now can decide their mJob price based on admin’s settings
Opening message feature is added to boost the interaction between seller & buyer
Local time zone is now displayed

  • Jul 04th, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.1 (July 4, 2016)

MjE v1.1 Changes Buyer now can send seller an Order with custom requirement and price New payment method. Use Credits to pay for mJob listings and orders on site Revenue report in user’s Dashboard is hence updated After signup, users can require the system to resend a new activation link if they lost it From […]

  • Jun 10th, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.0.6 (June 10, 2016)

Change the flow of ordering a mJob for non-logged-in users. Users must signup and login before making an order.
A user cannot order his own mJob. In case he copies and pastes the link to checkout step of his mJob and then logs in, a notification “You cannot make an order for your own mJob. Please browse other mJob to find the correct one” is shown.

  • May 17th, 2016

MicrojobEngine v1.0.5 (May 17, 2016)

Better order focus with Direct Chat Box in order detail page
Show Changelog of user’s action
Time countdown for the order

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