• Aug 18th, 2023

EstateEngine v1.4.1 (Aug 18, 2023)

v1.4.1 Aug 18, 2023 ———————————- changelog.txt css/custom.css functions.php includes/admin.php includes/aecore/assets/js/appengine.js includes/aecore/assets/js/gmap.js includes/aecore/assets/js/option-view.js includes/aecore/class-ae-orders.php includes/aecore/class-ae-page.php includes/aecore/payment/et-order.php includes/widgets.php js/edit-post.js js/front.js js/post-place.js mobile/header.php mobile/page-list-reviews.php page-list-reviews.php template-js/modal-edit-place.php template/loop-place-vertical.php template/loop-review-vertical.php template/post-place-step4.php template/section-status.php

  • Jun 11th, 2023

EstateEngine v1.4.0 (May 31, 2023)

v1.4.0 May 31, 2023 ———————————- css/custom.css css/flexslider.css css/font-awesome.min.css customizer/admin-customization.less customizer/customization.less customizer/customizer.php customizer/less.inc.php customizer/less.js customizer/mobile-customization.less fonts/fontawesome-webfont.svg fonts/glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg fonts/map-icons.dev.svg fonts/map-icons.svg footer.php functions.php header.php includes/admin.php includes/aecore/assets/css/admin.css includes/aecore/assets/css/bootstrap.min.css includes/aecore/assets/css/fonts/font-face.css includes/aecore/assets/css/fonts/pictos-web.svg includes/aecore/assets/css/fonts/pictos_base64.css includes/aecore/assets/css/fonts/quicksand-bold-webfont.svg includes/aecore/assets/css/owl-carousel.css includes/aecore/assets/js/appengine.js includes/aecore/assets/js/backend.js includes/aecore/assets/js/bootstrap.min.js includes/aecore/assets/js/chosen.js includes/aecore/assets/js/gmap.js includes/aecore/assets/js/jquery.nestedSortable.js includes/aecore/assets/js/marker.js includes/aecore/assets/js/option-view.js includes/aecore/assets/js/slider-bt.js includes/aecore/category.php includes/aecore/class-ae-comments.php includes/aecore/class-ae-languages.php includes/aecore/class-ae-mapstyle.php includes/aecore/class-ae-orders.php includes/aecore/class-ae-overview.php includes/aecore/class-ae-pack.php includes/aecore/class-ae-page.php includes/aecore/class-ae-payments.php includes/aecore/class-ae-post.php includes/aecore/class-ae-schedule.php includes/aecore/class-ae-users.php includes/aecore/class-ae-wizard.php includes/aecore/class-mobile-detect.php includes/aecore/class-options.php includes/aecore/class-plugin-updater.php includes/aecore/fields/cat.php […]

  • Sep 12th, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.7 (Sep 12, 2016)

Map works seamlessly in case users log in from the “Submit a Property” page
The “Add image” icon is no longer missed after author edits the “Floor Plan” form
Users now cannot enter the negative number onto the bedroom, bathroom and garage fields in the “Submit a Property” page

  • Aug 23rd, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.6 (Aug 23, 2016)

User can add their Twitter account in the Edit profile modal
Video is now seamlessly displayed in the Place detail page
Solve the bug of email not being sent to author in the place detail page

  • Aug 03rd, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.5 (Aug 3, 2016)

Add Google Maps API Key option to Engine Settings > Settings > Map settings section
Expired property can be renewed from this version
From now on, visitor can only see the published places in an author’s profile

  • Jul 11th, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.4 (July 11, 2016)

Solved toolbar icons missing bug in “Submit a Property” page
“Submit a Property” button now works seamlessly when you disable the Membership feature
Fix UI bug of the warning icon display in the login and signup form

  • Jun 13th, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.3 (June, 2016)

Marker Clustering is shown on the map.
Header no longer disappears when user scrolls up the page.
The flow of claim feature works properly. From now on, user cannot approve his own claim, only admin can. Besides, “Deny” button is also added in the approval form.

  • Apr 29th, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.2 (Apr 29, 2016)

Compatible with WordPress 4.5

  • Feb 16th, 2016
  • Jan 11th, 2016

EstateEngine v1.3.1 (Jan 11, 2016)

Reply button available for Comment tab
Your reply to a particular comment is indented underneath that comment
Pagination runs well in Property Review

  • Dec 19th, 2015

EstateEngine v1.3 (Dec 19, 2015)

[Bug fix] Proper display for better user flow
[New feature] Agent Review – Users can rate and write review for an agent

  • Sep 28th, 2015

EstateEngine v1.2 (Sep 28, 2015)

WordPress 4.3 compatibility
Bug fixes

  • Jul 02nd, 2015
  • Jul 02nd, 2015