ForumEngine v1.6.11 (Oct 2, 2018)

v1.6.11 —————————— includes/core includes/front.php includes/google-captcha.php includes/social_auth.php includes/theme.php includes/widget.php js/index.js mobile/js/main.js v1.6.10 —————————— changelog.txt css/custom.css functions.php includes/core includes/front.php includes/google-captcha.php includes/template.php includes/theme.php js/front.js js/single-thread.js mobile/css/main.css mobile/footer.php mobile/js/index.js mobile/js/main.js mobile/js/single-thread.js mobile/page-forgot-password.php mobile/page-front.php mobile/page-threads.php mobile/single-thread.php mobile/template-footer.php mobile/template/thread-loop.php page-threads.php single-thread.php style.css template/detail-thread.php template/list-replies.php template/reply-thread.php

MicrojobEngine v1.3.7.1 (Oct 31, 2018)

———————— changelog v1.3.71 ———————— Oct 31, 2018 assets/js/front.js changelog.txt functions.php home.php includes/alias-function.php includes/index.php includes/modules/AE_Authentication/class-mJobUserAction.php includes/modules/MJE_Conversation/class-mje-conversation-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Mailing/class-mje-mailing.php includes/tool_data/erase_personal_data.php includes/tool_data/export_personal_data.php includes/tool_data/form.php includes/tool_data/index.php includes/tool_data/snipnet.php lang/ lang/engine.po page-post-recruit.php skins/diplomat/home.php style.css ———————— changelog v1.3.7 ———————— Sep 20, 2018 changelog.txt functions.php home.php includes/aecore includes/alias-function.php includes/class-mje-order.php includes/modules/AE_VirtualWallet/class-ae-wallet-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Admin/module/payment-gateways/index.php includes/modules/MJE_Conversation/class-mje-conversation-action.php includes/modules/MJE_MJob_Order/class-mje-mjob-order-action.php includes/modules/MJE_Mailing/class-mje-mailing.php lang/ lang/engine.po page-post-recruit.php skins/diplomat/home.php template/modal-secure-code.php ———————— changelog v1.3.6 ———————— Jul 15, […]

QAEngine v2.0.1x (Feb 23, 2018)

Changed files in QAE v2.0.1x (v2.0.10 + v2.0.11 + v2.0.12 + v2.0.13 + v2.0.14)   ——- CHANGELOG FROM VERSION 2.0.14 ——- changelog.txt page-intro.php css/main.css js/intro.js mobile/css/main.css mobile/js/front.js mobile/page-intro.php lang/engine.po lang/ ——- CHANGELOG FROM VERSION 2.0.12 ——- changelog.txt functions.php includes/admin.php includes/template.php includes/theme.php lang/engine.po package.json style.css template/modal-profile.php ——- CHANGELOG FROM VERSION 2.0.11 ——- .gitignore author.php changelog.txt css/custom.css footer.php functions.php includes/front.php includes/poll/poll-action.php […]

FreelanceEngine v1.8.6 (Nov 8, 2017)

FrE v1.8.6 Changes Add customizer tool. Allow admin set bg and color for some sections. Work with a new child theme to change the layout  in project detail & profile detail pages to 2 columns. Fix bug – choosing packages from home page. Fix bug – Admins approve withdrawal requests Fix bug – Sending email […]

MicrojobEngine v1.3.5 (Oct 23, 2017)

Improvements Allow adding videos to an mJob Admins now can set a commission fee for the buyers. This is separated with the commission fee for the sellers. Admins can choose to set up only one kind of fee or both of them. Sellers can now withdraw their money to their Paystack account. (MjE Paystack extension […]

FreelanceEngine v1.8.5 (Oct 23, 2017)

FrE v1.8.5 Changes Display the remaining time of a project in the project detail page if that job has an expiry date. Allow add videos in project detail page and freelancer profile page. Usage guide: Give admin an option to hide bidding information. This information is displayed by default. Allow freelancers to skip the […]

FreelanceEngine v1.8.4 (Oct 9, 2017)

FrE v1.8.4 Changes Fix minor bugs such as missed text domains, warnings, check condition… Fix limit number of skills can be chosen in edit-profile page – moved from Fix issue unable to upload file in workspace – moved from Fix mouse scroll in chosen – slow in Firefox Disable unused code Add Captcha […]

FreelanceEngine v1.8.2 (July 18, 2017)

FreelanceEngine is now compatible with WordPress 4.8 & PHP 7.
Filter by worked project is now available for employers to search freelancers in the profiles page.
New “My Profile” page for both freelancers and employers.

MicrojobEngine v1.3.2 (Apr 20, 2017)

All payment gateways are now managed in one tab, located under the Theme Options section.
Minor improvements on the welcome page from the admin dashboard.
Icons of each section in the admin menu bar are customized instead of the pin icon as before.

DirectoryEngine v2.1.10 (March 03,2017)

New homepage layout
Not support DE MultiRating
Remove “feature” post

FreelanceEngine v1.7.12 (Jan 18, 2017)

Change The Complete Project Flow
Changes in Escrow System
Re-design the dispute flow for better UI/UX

MicrojobEngine v1.3

Display number of unread message(s) instead of a bullet
Change header menu on mobile and tablet to the sticky header

MicrojobEngine v1.2

Stripe payment gateway
Invoice management
Disable option for shorten price display

FreelanceEngine v1.7.11 (Nov 7, 2016)

Payment Process Flow
Re-design the bid acceptance flow for better UI/UX
From now on, the free package can only be purchased once per employer

MicrojobEngine v1.1.4 (Oct 17, 2016)

New skin for homepage
Change the price number format selection
Change the mJob category selection. Checkbox is appropriately replaced by ratio to sync with the front-end

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