ClassifiedEngine v2.6.9 (July 15, 2016)

UX improvement for the category selection on both desktop and mobile
[Mobile] Restyle the Post Review modal
[Mobile] The information of an Ad is no longer absented in the account listing page as before

FreelanceEngine v1.7.8.2 (July 14, 2016)

Hire/Work toggle button is now seamlessly adjusted in the register form
Solved the bug of skills required not saving
Ban user function now works well

QAEngine v2.0.7 (July 11, 2016)

Better UX in the file page.php
Add “Sign in” link in the “Forgot password” form
[Mobile] The text “Sign in with” in the intro page is now translation supported

EstateEngine v1.3.4 (July 11, 2016)

Solved toolbar icons missing bug in “Submit a Property” page
“Submit a Property” button now works seamlessly when you disable the Membership feature
Fix UI bug of the warning icon display in the login and signup form

MicrojobEngine v1.1 (July 4, 2016)

MjE v1.1 Changes Buyer now can send seller an Order with custom requirement and price New payment method. Use Credits to pay for mJob listings and orders on site Revenue report in user’s Dashboard is hence updated After signup, users can require the system to resend a new activation link if they lost it From […]

ClassifiedEngine v2.6.8 (June 27, 2016)

[Mobile] Get the best display by changing “Search” into “Searching” text when the user is searching
Change text notification of a reposted ads to “Your ads has been submitted and under review by admin. It will be published after being approved”
“Upload profile picture” button works seamlessly on the signup page

DiningEngine v1.2.7 (June 27, 2016)

Claimable feature is available from this version
Users can add the email contact in the place listing page
Marker Clustering is now shown on the map

FreelanceEngine v1.7.8 (June 20, 2016)

Automatically scroll up to the first input error in the “Submit project” form
Sub-skills are no longer supported in Skills field
If the category set in freelancer’s profile is a parent category, he still receives emails about projects whose categories are the sub ones under that freelancer’s parent category

DirectoryEngine v2.1.5 (June 20, 2016)

Add ALT tag to images in the single place page
Bugs of HTML structure are fixed
Proper category display sorted by alphabetical name order

ForumEngine v1.6.9 (June 13, 2016)

Maximum image upload size increases from 1MB to 5MB.
Performance issue with posted threads containing a bulleted or numbered list is solved.
After posting a thread, the moderator can be able to reply and delete this thread as usual.

EstateEngine v1.3.3 (June, 2016)

Marker Clustering is shown on the map.
Header no longer disappears when user scrolls up the page.
The flow of claim feature works properly. From now on, user cannot approve his own claim, only admin can. Besides, “Deny” button is also added in the approval form.

MicrojobEngine v1.0.6 (June 10, 2016)

Change the flow of ordering a mJob for non-logged-in users. Users must signup and login before making an order.
A user cannot order his own mJob. In case he copies and pastes the link to checkout step of his mJob and then logs in, a notification “You cannot make an order for your own mJob. Please browse other mJob to find the correct one” is shown.

JobEngine v2.9.9.7 (June 09, 2016)

JE Jobroll is now compatible with WordPress 4.5
When user creates a resume, a company page is not automatically created as before
Countdown feature works seamlessly in the “Create a resume” page

FreelanceEngine v1.7.7 (June 8, 2016)

Bug of invalid captcha when the user types an email address or username already used on the site
Emails about new projects matching freelancers’ categories are sent to freelancers in case “Free to submit listing” is enabled
When an archived project is re-submitted, its published date is the most recent one, instead of the initial date when the project was first posted as before

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