MicrojobEngine Extensions
Exclusively developed for MicrojobEngine customers.

MjE Geolocation

Post, search & filter mJobs with location

MjE Extra Fees

Let admin add extra fees to users' transactions

MjE Discount

Encourage users to interact more with discount codes

MjE Featured mJobs

Let users purchase featured slots for their mjobs

MjE Recruit

Let users submit requests for custom work

MjE Withdrawal

Allow sellers set up auto sending withdrawal requests

MjE Job Verification

A useful tool to verify seller's mJob.

MjE Stripe

Accept online payments, anywhere, fast & secure.

MjE Bookmark

Easily save favorite mJobs for later view.

MjE Paystack

Helps Nigerian businesses accept global payments.


A payment gateway for SEA businesses.

MjE Authorize.Net

Accept payments from credit/debit cards.

MjE PayUMoney For India

The best payment gateway for Indian business.

MjE PayPal Express Checkout

PayPal Express Checkout in as little as 3 clicks.

Build your micro job marketplace platform. Connect all potential buyers and sellers.