Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.4

Holiday vacation is over and we also had our fair share of those rest days. Sweet! Now that we’re back to do our usual routines, we have to sit on our bottoms at our desks to do some fixes and polishes to provide you with handy features.

Recently, we turned “Job Categories” and “Job Types” filters into widgets to allow administrators to reorder them anywhere on the main sidebar while in the frontend. In this week’s updates, JobEngine added a drag and drop feature in the backend for both filters. However, these two features function differently. In the frontend, when an administrator drags, say, the Job Categories, the whole thing under it will be carried to where he will drop it on the sidebar. In the backend, the administrator can rearrange the order of the main and sub-categories he created for his jobs. The same works for Contract Types.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.3


One of the key changes visible on JobEngine since last Friday includes a little of magic – that is the site’s demonstration on the homepage is disappearing.

If you are an administrator and have provided an entry in the “Website Demonstration” field, you could have noticed the difference whenever you start typing in the search boxes.

Before this change, the entry remains visible on the homepage even when users make searches by a keyword or location. But to give jobseekers a more focused search result page, the entry is hidden when they perform the search. The demonstration is again visible when they click back to the homepage.

Not only have we altered the Website Demonstration but have fixed some irregularities on the site as well.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.2

Fewer errors and improved features!

We started our weekly feed last week and this is the second installment of the modifications we’ve made on JobEngine. In case you missed the first issue, you may read it here.

But a little special from the list of tweaks we included in our first weekly update, our last week’s efforts focused on feedbacks and suggestions coming from some of you.

Those efforts included doing a few adjustments on the site to get rid of some annoying bugs that messed around with your browsing, and fine-tuning of some of the features.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.1

If you have entered your license key in the “Updates” tab of your Settings panel, you should now see a notification to upgrade your site right in your website’s backend. Simply click the message to perform the action.

Should you have not entered the license key yet, please visit your account’s dashboard at https://www.enginethemes.com/member and copy the license key there to your website settings.

Please note that updating your JobEngine will overwrite all files of older version. So we advise you to keep a back-up of your current JobEngine before updating it should you consider using again the older version.

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