Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.6

Flexible Options for Job Application and Payment Plans

Surely our Feature Requests panel is one useful avenue to hear what we’re lacking. Early this month, we have received feedbacks about providing more flexible options for job application and payment plans. Here are some excerpts:

“I think you should offer the ability for a client to buy a time limited subscription where they can post either unlimited or a specific number of jobs for a specific amount of time.”

“Allow the option to redirect to an external URL when the applicant hits Apply.”– Adrian McDonagh

“…You could also just put application instructions in a box where the company could put instructions (whether it’s email or go to a link, etc.). I guarantee if you make this change you will get a spike in sales – because people that know job boards know that this is a must have.”– J Smith

A significant volume of similar feedbacks reached our inbox and chat board, so we knew these features have to be launched in the latest possible version of JobEngine. So here comes JobEngine 1.0.6 with your much requested add-ons.

Not satisfied with your current job board? Get JobEngine now and enjoy 70% discount!

You may have known about the 70% discount program we ran on WPMayor a couple of weeks ago. Yes, it ended already. But here’s the good news – we’re making the offer an official deal in EngineThemes now!

Let us clarify the whole idea a little bit…

We’ve heard not just a few job board operators complained about having purchased a job board that falls short of their much needed features and controls. We can’t blame them – after all that they had invested and gone through.

Building your own job board website is indeed damn exhausting!

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.5

We’re constantly updating JobEngine to provide an excellent user experience. But how does JobEngine team strive to achieve this? Simple. We do the basic addition and subtraction in Math. As necessary, we add features and delimit or subtract some functionality. In our last week’s to-do list, we did both.

We know that many of you have been used to the multi-filter function in Job Categories and Contract Types. And we hope you had gotten only the most out of that feature. Though it’s always great to filter jobs in as many categories and job types as we want, we chose to disable such functionality and opted to apply the single parameter for filters.

JobEngine extensions: JE Indeed v2.0 and JE RSS v1.0

We always want to keep our theme focused and simply effective, so we have thought out that many specific features shouldn’t make it into the theme. However, it’s a fact that some of them would be really helpful for a large number of jobboarders — and failing to support those features will be such a disappointment.

Therefore, we are introducing to you the first EngineThemes extensions: JE Indeed and JE RSS, standard WordPress plugins that extend JobEngine’s abilities. Alternatively, these extensions will do the work of the features that are not part of JobEngine’s main features.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.4

Holiday vacation is over and we also had our fair share of those rest days. Sweet! Now that we’re back to do our usual routines, we have to sit on our bottoms at our desks to do some fixes and polishes to provide you with handy features.

Recently, we turned “Job Categories” and “Job Types” filters into widgets to allow administrators to reorder them anywhere on the main sidebar while in the frontend. In this week’s updates, JobEngine added a drag and drop feature in the backend for both filters. However, these two features function differently. In the frontend, when an administrator drags, say, the Job Categories, the whole thing under it will be carried to where he will drop it on the sidebar. In the backend, the administrator can rearrange the order of the main and sub-categories he created for his jobs. The same works for Contract Types.

JobEngine launches JE Indeed, theme price cut by 30%

Wow! So the final week of 2012 is passing. Looking back, it’s been a busy year for us here – we have finished the first version of JobEngine and have successfully launched EngineThemes! This was only a beginning and 2013 is surely coming with lots of challenges and also passion! But first let us conclude this year with some great news!

30% discount for JobEngine

You may have already noticed this offer in the red bar on the top of our website. Well, before ending the year and enjoying more time with our loved ones, we decided to give out a whopping 30% discount for our job board theme JobEngine – our last present for you for 2012.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.3


One of the key changes visible on JobEngine since last Friday includes a little of magic – that is the site’s demonstration on the homepage is disappearing.

If you are an administrator and have provided an entry in the “Website Demonstration” field, you could have noticed the difference whenever you start typing in the search boxes.

Before this change, the entry remains visible on the homepage even when users make searches by a keyword or location. But to give jobseekers a more focused search result page, the entry is hidden when they perform the search. The demonstration is again visible when they click back to the homepage.

Not only have we altered the Website Demonstration but have fixed some irregularities on the site as well.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.2

Fewer errors and improved features!

We started our weekly feed last week and this is the second installment of the modifications we’ve made on JobEngine. In case you missed the first issue, you may read it here.

But a little special from the list of tweaks we included in our first weekly update, our last week’s efforts focused on feedbacks and suggestions coming from some of you.

Those efforts included doing a few adjustments on the site to get rid of some annoying bugs that messed around with your browsing, and fine-tuning of some of the features.

Weekly Update: JobEngine v1.0.1

If you have entered your license key in the “Updates” tab of your Settings panel, you should now see a notification to upgrade your site right in your website’s backend. Simply click the message to perform the action.

Should you have not entered the license key yet, please visit your account’s dashboard at https://www.enginethemes.com/member and copy the license key there to your website settings.

Please note that updating your JobEngine will overwrite all files of older version. So we advise you to keep a back-up of your current JobEngine before updating it should you consider using again the older version.

3 things that make the awesomeness in JobEngine’s frontend

Users are the heart of any website. This is why we invested months maximizing the user experience of JobEngine. In those months, and with your users in mind, we tested and retested JobEngine’s usability to provide you with refined features that will lead them to easy ways in achieving their goals in your job board.

Here are three of the valuable tools JobEngine has in store for your users. Let us know in the comments which one you are most interested in.

EngineThemes Wants to Make WordPress Themes Easier to Use than Ever

It’s time to make WordPress design easy for everyone. That’s why our team of WordPress designers and developers came together to launch Engine Themes, and we’re thrilled to release our first theme today, JobEngine.

Our philosophy is simple. If you need to hire someone to help you with your WordPress theme, then that theme is not right for you. Unfortunately, that’s a problem we see many WordPress bloggers and website owners face every day, and it’s a problem that we want to solve with easy-to-use themes that are both logical and elegant.

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