MjE Paystack Extension Is Here – Powering Secure Payments For Nigerian Businesses

MjE Paystack Extension Is Here - Powering Secure Payments For Nigerian Businesses

Today we’re glad to announce the release of another payment gateway in MicrojobEngine – MjE Paystack Extension. After 1 month since MjE 1st Birthday, we’re back with a new extension and prepare for more upcoming features.

As you know, we have a complete MicrojobEngine Roadmap for the whole year 2017 and are growing MjE User Community where we interact with MjE customers in the best way we could. Initially, MjE Paystack was not our top priority. However, we’re quite flexible with our product plan and always try to listen to our customers via MjE Roadmap and User Community. After learning that many customers are looking for Paystack payment gateway in their MicrojobEngine, we decided to adjust the plan to adapt to it. That’s why MjE Paystack is here today.

MicrojobEngine 1.3.1 Has Rolled Out. Happy Our 1st Birthday!

As promised, today we’re here to announce you that MicrojobEngine 1.3.1 is officially launched, along with MjE Job Verification & MjE Bookmark to mark our incredible one-year growth and development. This version is conducted to improve the user interface, therefore we hope you will find it more elegant & cutting-edge than that of previous ones.

***Note: Before you update your site to the latest version of MicrojobEngine 1.3.1, we recommend you to backup your site in advance. Please follow this tutorial for the instruction.


MjE Bookmark Extension – A Quick And Easy Tool To Save Your Favorite mJobs

MjE Bookmark Extension - A Quick And Easy Tool To Save Your Favorite mJobs

Tomorrow is MicrojobEngine 1st birthday. As promised in our post 2 months ago, today we’re happy to announce the release of MjE Bookmark extension. There’s nothing so big about this extension, we just want to give your users a handy tool to easily save their favorite items, creating a better and more joyful user experience.

P/s: Please note that the MjE Bookmark requires MicrojobEngine 1.3.1+ and PHP 5.6 to function properly.

Let’s take a look at MjE Bookmark extension.

MjE Job Verification Extension – Upgrade Your Site Quality With Verified mJobs

The wait is finally over!

MjE Job Verification extension has officially been released. It’s an extremely powerful extension that allows your sellers to claim their mJob, helping them prove that their mJob is offered with high quality.  As a result, buyers will also find it more clear-cut to select a reliable provider amongst lots of sellers on your service marketplace. You, on the other hand, can also earn commission on each claim from sellers who want their mJobs to be verified.

P/s: Please note that the MjE Job Verification requires MicrojobEngine 1.3.1+ and PHP 5.6 to function properly.

DirectoryEngine 2.1.10 Is Here With New Homepage Layout & Other Feature Improvements

directoryengine - listing directory wordpress theme

DirectoryEngine 2.1.10 is officially released with new attractive homepage layout. DE MultiRating will not be supported from this version.


After your theme is updated to DirectoryEngine 2.1.10, you MUST:

  • Deactivate DE MultiRating since from DirectoryEngine 2.1.10, this extension will not be supported (PluginsDE MultiRatingDeactive).
  • Update database to avoid losing the entire rating score (Engine SettingsUpgrade DatabaseUpdate Rating Score).

P/s: You are recommended to back up your database before updating your site to DirectoryEngine 1.2.10 to avoid any possible problems.

  • Update Google Map API Key. Particularly, you must ENABLE Google Places API Web Service option besides Google Maps Geocoding API, Google Maps Directions API, and Google Maps Geolocation API when getting API Key to ensure your Google Map runs seamlessly.


Sneak Peek: MjE Job Verification – A Powerful Extension To Verify Seller Services

Sneak Peek: MjE Claim - A Powerful Extension Verifying Seller Services

MjE Job Verification – the third extension for MicrojobEngine is about to roll out. As planned in MicrojobEngine Roadmap, MjE Job Verification, together with MjE Bookmark, will be released next week. We’re so excited and can’t wait to introduce these new stuffs to you.


FreelanceEngine 1.7.13 Has Arrived With Improvements & Bug Fixes

freelanceengine 1.7.13

FreelanceEngine 1.7.13 has released with improvements involved in notification displays, reCaptcha, etc. Some minor bugs are also resolved. (more…)

A Sneak Peek At MjE Bookmark – A Handy Extension To Save Your Favorite mJobs

MjE Bookmark sneak peek

Have you ever been in the situation of seeing something you really want to have but at that time cannot afford it and you wish you could save the items to buy at a later time? Surely you did, and so did your users.

Therefore, we decided to create MjE Bookmark to help users easily save their favorites items from anywhere on the platform. MjE Bookmark allows your users to bookmark as many mJobs as they wish and put them in collections. With just a few clicks, everything will be stored in a place.

Let’s take a look at the highlights of this upcoming extension. (more…)

MarketEngine 1.1 Has Arrived With Resolution Center!

MarketEngine & ZeroEngine v1.1 have come out with Resolution Center feature, allowing your buyers to send the dispute on a listing.


  • You should update your site to the latest versions of both MarketEngine plugin & ZeroEngine version 1.1 to make sure everything runs well.
  • After your site is updated to MarketEngine & ZeroEngine version 1.1, you must update the permalinks from back-end (SettingsPermalinks) to run the Resolution Center.


FrE Braintree – A payment platform for businesses across the globe

We are glad to announce you that FrE Braintree extension – a new payment gateway is officially released. Now users on your site can easily use their payment cards, and PayPal account at checkout. Along with its convenience, Braintree is also one of the most secure payment gateways in the world with the high level of security. It ensures that all information of users cannot be leaked and stolen when they declare or check out online. As a result, Braintree is currently trusted and used by many of the major brands such as Airbnb, Uber, Dropbox, or GitHub. For all these reasons, we believe that Braintree is one of the best payment methods for online marketplace.

TRY OUR DEMO                  ENJOY 20% OFF

***Use code BRAINTREE at checkout to enjoy 20% off      (more…)

FreelanceEngine 1.7.12 Is Rolled Out, Improving The Complete Project and Dispute Flows!

FreelanceEngine 1.7.12 has been released with new changes in the complete project and dispute flows. Other improvements and bug fixes are also concluded in this version.   (more…)

MicrojobEngine PLUS Package is now available. Pre-order today at $109!

MicrojobEngine PLUS Package Pre-order

Today is a special day. MicrojobEngine – the ultimate marketplace WordPress theme is now upgraded to PLUS PACKAGE.

This is such a huge milestone for the whole team in order to celebrate MicrojobEngine 1st birthday. Though there are 8 weeks till birthday, we can’t wait that long and decided to enjoy the moment from now.

What does this all mean? Well it means you don’t need to wait until MicrojobEngine birthday to own PLUS Package but have it right from today. And the price is so reasonable you can hardly refuse. Especially, birthday is the time for special treat, so the price is even lower than it normally is.

Enter code  MJEPLUS  at checkout to get MicrojobEngine PLUS Package at $129!


MicrojobEngine 1.3 Is Finally Here With Notification Feature

microjobengine 1.3

NOTICE: If you encounter any problems related to CSS during the update process, please clear cache to make sure everything runs well.

As announced in our roadmap, notification is the first in a chain of many features to be released in 2017. We’ve been intensively working to make it perfect, and today we are thrilled to inform you that MicrojobEngine v1.3 has been officially released with this must-have feature, allowing users to keep track of all new activities related to them. (more…)

MarketEngine 1.0.1 Has Arrived With Custom Fields!


After a few weeks of working intensively, today we’re thrilled to announce that MarketEngine plugin and ZeroEngine theme version 1.0.1 have been officially released with Custom Fields feature.

Actually, custom fields are really a perfect solution for any WordPress site that needs more flexible fields. Hence, we decided to conduct this feature in MarketEngine 1.0.1, allowing you to add extra fields that are displayed in the “Post a Listing” form.

With the Custom Fields, you can easily add as many fields as you want, which will be shown on the front-end. As a result, it’s more flexible for you to custom your post listing form according to each category. (more…)

MicrojobEngine is compatible with WordPress 4.7

microjobengine is compatible with wordpress 4.7

WordPress version 4.7 has officially rolled out after several beta releases. We would like to announce that MicrojobEngine is fully compatible with WP 4.7. Thus, this update does not make any changes affecting the theme functions.

The latest version of WordPress 4.7 focuses more on getting a theme set up for the first time, including a new default theme, video headers, custom CSS, customizer edit shortcuts, PDF thumbnail previews, user admin languages, REST API content endpoints, post type templates, and more.

For more details about what’s new in version 4.7, kindly check out WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” blog post.

Please upgrade to the latest version of WordPress 4.7 to make your website better!

If you have any questions regarding these updates, please feel free to contact us via support@enginethemes.com. (more…)

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