FreelanceEngine 1.7.11 Has Arrived, Including Great UX/UI Design And Much More!

FreelanceEngine project bidding WordPress theme for freelance marketplace

FreelanceEngine 1.7.11 is released with new changes regarding the payment process and bid acceptance flows. Besides, FrE Credit, FrE Private Message, AE Stripe, AE Stripe Escrow extensions are updated as well. (more…)

MjE Stripe – Your First Extension for MicrojobEngine is around the corner

MjE Stripe - Payment Gateway for MicrojobEngine

Early this year MicrojobEngine was released. From the first days developing MicrojobEngine, we have set our goal to create the Best Micro Job WordPress Theme in the market. Since then, a lot of things have been built into the theme, but the most remarkable are New Admin Dashboard and Diplomat Homepage Skin. The Admin Dashboard was redesigned and restructured to give you a better site management, whereas Diplomat Skin provided a fresh display for your homepage.

Miss the news? You should check out those links right now!


3 Tips for An Impressive Look on Your Micro Job Site


Serving as one of the most important web pages on any website, homepage is your brand’s virtual front door. An impressive first look can substantially increase more traffic to your site. Understanding this need, MicrojobEngine latest version 1.1.4 has been released with the highlight is a brand new Diplomat skin, giving your site a cutting-edge homepage interface.

It’s quite easy for you to customize Diplomat skin to match your niche concept. Just a bit HTML and CSS knowledge is enough for awesome content blocks. But if you don’t know much about it? Don’t worry. Use these 3 simple tips to create a unique and elegant appearance for your marketplace site.


A First Look at MarketEngine Free Plugin – Your Online Marketplace Builder

You have a great idea about ecommerce marketplace platform, but you don’t know how to write code and are in search of a software solution to realize your plan? You spend hours browsing yet still haven’t been able to choose any good product?

MarketEngine Free Plugin - Your Online Marketplace Builder

If you find yourself somewhere in that situation, you’ve come to the right place. It is true that there are no shortcuts to building an online marketplace, but MarketEngine will definitely smooth the path to creating a scalable ecommerce platform.

Developed by EngineThemes, MarketEngine is a Free WordPress Marketplace Plugin which aims to help businesses build their multi vendor marketplace platform for any niche. With MarketEngine, the ambition of creating a successful ecommerce marketplace like Fiverr, Etsy, or AirBnB is totally possible.

MarketEngine will play as an all-in-one technical assistant, designing the most logical user flow and building all must-have features needed for a marketplace, so that you could invest the most of your time and effort on business growth strategy. (more…)

Tackle the Challenges to Succeed in Online E-commerce Marketplace

 online ecommerce marketplace - MarketEngine Free Plugin

In 2015, the big four U.S marketplaces, namely Amazon, eBay, Etsy and Jet, sold a total of over $100 billion worth of goods. And there’s no sign that these numbers will stop going upwards in the near future. According to the U.S Department of Commerce, online retail sales nearly quadrupled over the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015. Furthermore, this figure is projected to reach around $500 billion in 2018.

Online E-commerce Marketplace – The shopping destination of future

Traditional retailers have started to feel the impact of online marketplaces by making certain changes to adopt the growing trend of online shopping. Recently, Walmart has acquired, tapping into the e-commerce competition, as they realized purchasing habits are gradually shifting from physical stores to online marketplaces.

That online e-commerce marketplace is rapidly booming and expected to become the new shopping destination can be broken down into multiple advantages it has over brick-and-mortar retailers. Millions of people shop at Amazon or eBay because of the extreme comfort these e-commerce platforms provide. With just a few clicks, while staying at home, consumers conveniently shop around the website, browse through a vast selection of items, read reviews from other customers, and compare prices before making the final buying decision.


MicrojobEngine 1.1.4 Has Arrived With New Homepage Layout & Feature Improvements

microjobengine - micro job marketplace wordpress theme


After your theme is updated to the latest version of MicrojobEngine 1.1.4, all colors in your site will return to the default settings. So, we strongly recommend that you save your current colors to avoid being lost. Besides, you MUST re-setup the commission & category images after upgrading your theme.

Feature Improvements

  • IMPORTANT: New skin for homepage (Engine Settings > Site Construction & Design).
  • Change the price number format selection (Engine Settings > Theme Options > Payment Config > Number format).
  • Change the mJob category selection. Checkbox is appropriately replaced by ratio to sync with the front-end.
  • Add the blog template for better blog page display.
  • Enable/disable options for local timezone & edit mJob is available.
  • Update & re-design the chat box. Also, users can enter “Shift + Enter” to do line break from this version.
  • Display the status of a mJob for admin & mJob owner.
  • Support rounding price in the extra package of a mJob.
  • Change the appearance of each mJob order action in the mJob detail page.


Begin Your Online Marketplace Today With MicrojobEngine. Exclusive Offer Included!

microjobengine 1.1.4 - exclusive offer

In the era of information technology, service marketplace plays a significant role in income generation and job creation, where people can sell online and earn money. Buyers also easy find what they need in just a few clicks. Hence, launching such a website could be an excellent way to monetize money online.

Realizing this potential, we developed MicrojobEngine theme as a complete solution for you to start your profitable business without any extra efforts or coding knowledge required. After the first release in March, we are intensively working to upgrade our theme with great features & UX optimization. Today, MicrojobEngine 1.1.4 is here with an impressive appearance!


Take A Look Inside MicrojobEngine Latest Version 1.1.4



After your theme is updated to the latest version of MicrojobEngine 1.1.4, all colors in your site will return to the theme default. So, we strongly recommend you to save your current colors to avoid being lost. Besides, you MUST re-setup the commission & category images after upgrading your theme.

Since the first MicrojobEngine release in February, we have been continuously endeavoring to improve our theme with innovative features & the well-designed admin dashboard. And after one month of intense work, we are now ready for an impressive comeback with a remarkably new homepage, making your theme more cutting-edge and elegant.

So today we’re thrilled to inform you that MicrojobEngine version 1.1.4 is coming, offering new homepage layout experience, along with other feature improvements. (more…)

Update: ClassifiedEngine 2.6.11

classifiedengine - wordpress classified theme

ClassifiedEngine version 2.6.11 is updated with bug fixes on mobile, and other minor ones.

Bug fixes

  • Ad price can now be edited, updated in back-end even when WooCommerce is turned off.
  • [Mobile] If no specific value is set for maximum number of ad categories, sellers can choose as many categories for an ad as they wish, like in desktop version.
  • No more undefined bug when users hit the Resend button of email confirmation.
  • URL of CE Locations widget is no longer double.
  • [Mobile] Correct redirection to the ads detail page when users successfully posted an Ads.
  • [Mobile] Now when users click on an Ads, the page loads the correct detail page of that Ads.


A Complete Guide to Set Up Freelance Website with WordPress


WordPress is a powerful content management system (CMS) that can cater to any type of business you intend to build. Doing a small research about online business currently using WordPress, you’ll be amazed at its popularity among different types of websites. Creating a freelance website is hence totally a thing you can do in WordPress. This article will show important features and guide to set up freelance website with WordPress.

Big freelance websites like Upwork, Freelancer, and Guru are doing an excellent job in connecting people in need of projects done with millions of service providers. One of the core values contributing to the success of such marketplaces is a stable platform with all functions operate seamlessly. Therefore, knowing how to setup your site properly is very important.

Let’s find out all necessary features and how to set them up in FreelanceEngine. (more…)

Update: QAEngine version 2.0.9

QAEngine - online knowledge wordpress theme

QAEngine v2.0.9 is updated with multiple bug fixes on both desktop & mobile. (more…)

A Guide to How Freelancer Bids Work on Freelance Bidding Site

how freelancer bids work

In a freelance marketplace, project bidding function is used as a typical approach. To discuss in depth the project bidding on a freelance site, this article will go through this function’s definition, the reasons why it’s widely employed, and the workflow of how freelancer bids work on your website.  

Freelancing industry is quickly emerging, excellently leveraging freelancer workforce all around the world. With technology being the major driving force, digital services have made profound impact on the working trend and interested a great number of people who prefer to work as freelancers. Building a freelance marketplace connecting freelancers and clients promises potential growth and success; still, it comes with challenges of a proper freelance business model and the main concept that makes your site run smoothly. If business model cares about how to monetize your platform, the main concept is the central workflow your users follow to accomplish the transaction.       

Update: FreelanceEngine version 1.7.10

FreelanceEngine update - A Premium Freelance Marketplace WordPress Theme

FreelanceEngine 1.7.10 has been released with a well-designed credit tab as well as improvements in the bid flow & FrE Private Message. (more…)

Update: EstateEngine version 1.3.7

estateengine - real estate wordpress theme

EstateEngine v1.3.7 has been updated with bug fixes in the submit a property page and floor plan form. The pagination bug is solved as well. (more…)

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