MarketEngine 1.0.1 Has Arrived With Custom Fields!


After a few weeks of working intensively, today we’re thrilled to announce that MarketEngine plugin and ZeroEngine theme version 1.0.1 have been officially released with Custom Fields feature.

Actually, custom fields are really a perfect solution for any WordPress site that needs more flexible fields. Hence, we decided to conduct this feature in MarketEngine 1.0.1, allowing you to add extra fields that are displayed in the “Post a Listing” form.

With the Custom Fields, you can easily add as many fields as you want, which will be shown on the front-end. As a result, it’s more flexible for you to custom your post listing form according to each category. (more…)

The Customer Service Year In Review

2016 has been a year of change and maturity for our customer service. We’re now at the stage where using a completed email platform as a customer service tool has become an established part of doing business. As we stepped into 2015, our Social Customer Service tool was a basic forum. We handled pre-sale, bug, […]

Take FreelanceEngine Survey To Share Your Opinion With Us!

freelanceengine survey

EngineThemes wants to hear from you!

FreelanceEngine has experienced over 2 years of development, known as one of the best freelance marketplace themes available for WordPress. With the ongoing effort of improving the quality of our product, FreelanceEngine has rolled out many features and premium extensions that are required in a quality freelance marketplace.

Besides this development, we really want to know what you think about our product. Actually, customer’s voice and input play a significant role in any product development since it will help us better realize how we’re doing and what more you would like to receive from us. Thus, we decided to conduct this survey so that we can gather all your thoughts and feedbacks, supporting us in building the complete roadmap for 2017.

The results of this survey are extremely valuable to FreelanceEngine. Based on your input, we will plan for upcoming features as well as theme’s appearance in 2017. So go ahead and take this survey, it should take no more than 5 minutes to answer. (more…)

MicrojobEngine 2017 Roadmap Is Rolled Out In Public. What’s Next For Upcoming Features?

microjobengine roadmap calendar

Dear our beloved customers,

Today we’re happy to announce you that we reached 15.000 signups.

First, we would like to thank you all for believing in MicrojobEngine (MjE) as a complete micro job marketplace solution for your business.

We started in March 2015 with a pretty simple aim: build a micro job web app that could connect people in need of a service and others who offer it. Now we know that we’re not the only ones who want this kind of product.

Second, we would like to introduce our public product roadmap including all features and extensions that will be conducted in 2017.

In order for MjE to be used and loved, we must know what you want and need. The simplest way to get to this point is to let you vote for the features you want the most.

We settled MjE public roadmap on a Trello board that enables you to easily see where we stand, what we’re working on right now and where we’re going next. (more…)

Final Survey Results Report & MicrojobEngine Roadmap For 2017

microjobengine survey results

Dear our beloved customers,

In a few weeks ago, we run the survey to collect your votes and ideas covering a wide range of features that will be included in MicrojobEngine roadmap.

During that time, we obtained valuable feedbacks from you and picked 3 most votest options conducted in 2017. Here’s a list of upcoming features:

  • Add a revision work process after first delivery.
  • Integrate more notification types into user’s profile.
  • New seller’s profile with full demonstration.

For further details, please visit the final survey results & final payment gateways survey results.

What’s next for MicrojobEngine in 2017?

Besides upcoming features listed above, we continue to implement additional features and extensions focusing more on user experience. Today, we’re thrilled to announce you our foreseen plan stretching during 2017. (more…)

Upload A Video For Your Micro Job In Just 30 Seconds

upload a video_mje

Recently, we have conducted a survey involved in MicrojobEngine theme. Based on the result and feedbacks from customers, we realize that many of you want us to implement an additional feature allowing users to embed the real video to their mJob. Due to its imperative, in this tutorial, we will give you a quick guide to insert a video for a mJob from Youtube and Vimeo before carrying out this feature. (more…)

How to Backup and Restore a WordPress site – Step by Step

backup and restore wordpress site

The backup process is one of the most important aspects of data management. It helps you protect your website in case of disaster and avoid the possibility of losing the entire data. Thus, in this tutorial, we will guide you how to backup databases in your WordPress site step by step. Then, we will provide you with steps to restore your website to the previously backed up version.


Currently, there are many plugins supporting you to backup database. No matter plugin you use, all basic principles of them share the same logic. But, we strongly recommend you to use BackWPup (FREE) and BackupBuddy (it is one of the best premium backup plugins, but its pricing plan seems expensive). (more…)

MicrojobEngine is compatible with WordPress 4.7

microjobengine is compatible with wordpress 4.7

WordPress version 4.7 has officially rolled out after several beta releases. We would like to announce that MicrojobEngine is fully compatible with WP 4.7. Thus, this update does not make any changes affecting the theme functions.

The latest version of WordPress 4.7 focuses more on getting a theme set up for the first time, including a new default theme, video headers, custom CSS, customizer edit shortcuts, PDF thumbnail previews, user admin languages, REST API content endpoints, post type templates, and more.

For more details about what’s new in version 4.7, kindly check out WordPress 4.7 “Vaughan” blog post.

Please upgrade to the latest version of WordPress 4.7 to make your website better!

If you have any questions regarding these updates, please feel free to contact us via (more…)

Final Results! MicrojobEngine Payment Gateways Survey – We Want To Hear From You! (Updated 29th December, 2016)

microjobengine payment gateways survey

Last week, MicrojobEngine 1.2 was out with its first extension MjE Stripe payment gateway, providing your users with the convenient and secure payment for any transactions. Although Stripe is one of the best choices for online business, it’s only available in 25 countries. Due to this limitation, we decided to carry out the survey to collect your suggestions about additional payment gateways integrated into MicrojobEngine.

This survey is completely online and it just takes you a couple of minutes to finish. So, let your voice be heard by making either global or local payment gateways form.

  • Rule: You can select maximum 2 options. After that, we will plan and implement the next payment gateway integrated into MicrojobEngine based on results of the survey.
  • Time to submit your response: December 29, 2016. Also, you can drop your comments below this blog post to make our process of collecting information accurate.

***Note*** API information is the necessary condition for integrating a payment gateway into MicrojobEngine. Therefore, you should provide us with API information of the payment gateway which is not included in our list if you select “Other” option.


Quick guide to set up the payment via MjE Stripe and update the database

Quick guide to set up the payment via Stripe and update the database

MicrojobEngine 1.2 has been out with its first extension – MjE Stripe as well as Invoice feature. In this tutorial, we will show you a quick guide to set up payment via Stripe and update your site database. (more…)

MjE Stripe Is Here! Less Time Struggling. Better Payment. More Transactions

MjE Stripe is here! Less time struggling. Better payment. More transactions.

Early this year, after months of designing, coding and testing, we were proud to introduce to the market MicrojobEngine – our premium WordPress Theme dedicated to micro job marketplace. Since then, we continuously stay committed to innovating our product by adding new features, improving quality code, boosting customer support, and much more.

Early this month, we once shared about the coming of the first extension in the list for MicrojobEngine Theme. And today, we’re excited to announce the release of MjE Stripe Extension. I’ve used Stripe and have to say it’s awesome. Very simple to set up in the back-end, beautiful form in front-end, and super fast checkout process. And that’s exactly the experience we want to bring to you when paying with Stripe. (more…)

Crazy Sale Is Here! Get Your Orders In At 40% Discount

enginetheme november rush - black friday promotion

CrazyEngine November Rush at EngineThemes is officially live! This is a huge sale of everything and for everyone. Don’t miss out. This only happens once a year!


Craziest Deal Ever! Save 40% On All Items

On this occasion, we’re happy to offer you a wild deal with 40% OFF on all products with the promo code CRAZYENGINE.

The sale lasts from Nov 24 to 28. Hurry up to grab the best deals!


MarketEngine is Finally Here – A Powerful, Free WordPress Plugin to Build Up Your Multi-Vendor Marketplace

MarketEngine - Free WordPress Marketplace Plugin
It is undeniable that online marketplace is emerging as the world’s new shopping destination. The extreme convenience is the key reason explaining for the rapid boom of online marketplace platforms. We wanted to build a plugin dedicated to marketplace business model. This is important as it guides our path to developing a product that allows users to easily get marketplace up and running with the best focus on user interaction flows – easy selling, easy searching, and easy shopping.

There are no shortcuts to building a multi-vendor ecommerce platform. That’s why we build MarketEngine. The hard part of technical requirements are brilliantly solved, a clean and modern design to quickly attract users’ attention and improve focus on main areas, an effective search tool to best personalize the search results for each user, and an admin dashboard to give you complete control of how the plugin should work on your site. Make your move downloading MarketEngine today to start building up a great marketplace for your niche.



Take A Closer Look at MjE Stripe & Invoice Feature

MjE Stripe & Invoice Feature

Two weeks ago, we were happy to announce the upcoming release of MicrojobEngine first ever extension – MjE Stripe Payment Gateway as well as new MicrojobEngine version 1.2. Since then, the design and coding team have made great progress. There’re only 2 weeks until the release date of MjE Stripe and MicrojobEngine 1.2, so I’m excited to share with you a closer look at what we’ve built so far.

View Our Progress (more…)

Final Results – MicrojobEngine Survey – Vote For The Best Ideas

microjobengine idea survey

Dear valued customers,

Your experience with MicrojobEngine is really important to us. So, please take a few minutes giving us feedback and comments in this quick idea list. This list was collected from MicrojobEngine customers’ feedback during September and October. We promise to make good use of your thoughts.

In July and August, we were focusing on increasing users’ experience and fixing some minor bugs before thinking about upgrading advanced features.

As a result, new admin dashboard area and diplomat skin are released, along with bug fixes involved in the order process, especially checkout experience (critical bug as we first thought).

Currently, Stripe extension is rolling out and MicrojobEngine 1.2 is about to be released as well, including invoice function added into dashboard, checkout experience enhanced, and order history reviewed. (more…)

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