Start your awesome New Year with a new Classified Ad site

When perfect ad concepts meet modern design, the output is surely beautiful adverts. With beautiful ads in a WordPress-powered theme, think ClassifiedEngine.

Elegant and Modern Design

Like its elder siblings, JobEngine and ForumEngine, ClassifiedEngine bears the trademark of EngineThemes that is – elegant and modern design. CE’s design offers a fresh look of the contemporary and trendy designs of 2014, yet won’t get outdated comes 2015.

Mobile Updates on JobEngine v2.4 and JE RSS, multi-category subscription for JE Job Alert

Let’s talk about mobile this time.

JobEngine v2.4 gives a friendlier experience to both admins and users when it comes to blog-view. For admins, it has unlocked a menu in the mobile footer so that admin can add a blog page.

Remember to tick the option Menu display on the mobile footer in the Menu settings to show your Blog page in your site’s mobile version.

For users, well, it allows them to view the blog posts from their smartphones.

JE RSS Importer v2.1.2

Another mobile update is on JobEngine’s plugin, RSS Importer. Jobs imported to your site via RSS can now be viewed in mobile.

Infinite Scroll on ForumEngine v1.2

The convenience of scrolling – and we mean Infinite scrolling – is now on the pages of ForumEngine.

This new feature is an additional option so if you still opt to use a paginator, nothing will change.

But for those who want to try the Infinite Scroll, enable the button in the admin page: Engine Settings > Settings > Content > Infinite Scroll.

ClassifiedEngine kicks off beta site

Though we anticipated that our coming theme, ClassifiedEngine, will be of interest to ad site owners and managers as well as aspiring ones, we didn’t expect it would be looked for much more than we thought. And we keep receiving emails, instant messages, and posts in our forum inquiring about the release date of our newest theme.

We promised to release the theme this December but as to the exact date, we can’t tell yet. It’s roughly three weeks left; it should be ready by then.

The good news is that we have set up a demo Classified site for your review at the moment. What are we looking for? The more interesting & helpful feedback the better! Visit our forum & feel free to post your ideas.

New Sidebars and Widgets for ForumEngine v1.1.2

ForumEngine v1.1.2 is the get-go for sidebars and widgetized static contents.

For a start, four sidebars were added to this version: Single Thread, Single Post, Blog, and All Pages sidebars. The sidebars’ names imply where to click to see the content when you drag the widgets to these areas, but for those who are a little bit confused especially of these two, Single Thread is the individual post in the forum while Single Post is your blog article.

Be mindful when you drag widgets to All Pages sidebars. If the widget is one kind that can be displayed to any page and you drag it to the other three sidebars, too, you’ll get a duplicate post.

Russian Language and Page Sidebar for JobEngine v2.3.9

Russian in the Pack

See JobEngine in Russian!

Thanks to a customer who generously shared his language for JobEngine-ers.

With Russian in the list, JobEngine now has eight default languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish. Just one click and you can easily don your site with any of the eight.

EngineThemes turns 1, offers GOFRIDAY35 discount on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Black Friday and Cyber Monday come only once a year, and so is EngineThemes “GoFriday35.”

It’s a magic code for a 35% savings. That’s right! EngineThemes is offering the best deals of the seasons with 35% discount on all its themes and plugins.

So if you are gauging for the most appropriate time to invest for a job board or forum, there’s no better time than in the next three days. Or those who think their JobEngine-powered job sites need more functional plugins but wish they were cheaper, now is the best time to add ET extensions to your cart.

Happy shopping!

ForumEngine v1.1 adds Blog section

ForumEngine’s new feature, the Blog section, solves a very important issue we had in our first release.

That huge thing was, if you have an existing, content-rich site and you installed ForumEngine, the existing posts become inaccessible. So some Wordpress experts suggest doing a separate installation if you opt to have a forum and a blog page.

This isn’t an issue now with ForumEngine v1.1. You install the theme and you can keep your posts. Or you upgrade your FE version and make your old posts accessible again.

EngineThemes opens Forums and Language Center sites to public


EngineThemes community is getting bigger and this calls for one venue where we can do things and find stuffs easily. So we pooled our themes in a forum site – proudly powered by our theme ForumEngine; and of course, our future launches will be added there, too.

The good news? We are opening the forum to the public!

JobEngine v2.3.8: Pop up Signup Form and Applications Filter in Backend

Pop up signup form for jobseekers

This addition stemmed from the issue that some users who registered as jobseekers were listed as companies. So we revised the form to include the jobseeker option. Registrants can select either as a company or jobseeker.

Job application filter in backend

Be it in frontend or backend, you can easily access job applications. In frontend, you can view and download applications in the company’s dashboard. The backend provides a new function to filter applications by job or applicant.

In backend, click the Applications tab and while on All Applications view, click on the job’s name under the Job column to see the applicants for the job. Click the jobseeker’s name under the Author column to see what jobs the jobseeker has applied to.

Applicants’ preview on company’s dashboard on JobEngine v2.3.7

Let’s see how many of these questions flashed your mind before today’s update:

– How many applicants have I received for my job post?
– Who are the applicants?
– When was the most recent application?
– Was the applicant a registered or non-registered member?
– How come I can’t download the applicant’s files from my dashboard?

And we’re sure that many of you had hoped you have the answers ready right when you logged in and glance at your dashboard. Well, now you have.

Job posts with applications display “[x] applicants” in bold next to the posting date. Click on it to see the list and details of the applicants. One thing to note is the Download button that appears on the right of the jobseeker’s information. It denotes the applicant has not posted an online resume so you need to download his CV.

Lock editing and Undo action features for ForumEngine v1.0.2

Lock editing function

ForumEngine’s new lock editing feature is not to encourage posts with mass errors. Think of it as a way for users to be more mindful of every thing before they hit that “Create topic” button. We’re also not taking the users’ freedom to correct typo or grammar issues, or upload the image they forgot to insert on the post. But we set the function to edit to a limited time. This lock editing function is applied to both posting threads and posting comments.

Users have five minutes to make changes to their posts right after creating a topic or posting a comment. After five minutes, they are still able to click the Edit button but can no longer save their changes.

Admins can still edit all posts anytime.

Theme updates: JobEngine v2.3.5 and ForumEngine v1.0.1

Do we get major add-ons on this version? Not yet. We’ll have some next week. But this version has essential updates on a number of major UX issues in mobile version. After updating your site, your users should be able to travel around your site seamlessly using their smartphones.

Throughout the desktop version, we did refinements in many places so you can expect more polished features and functions.

Watch out for ForumEngine’s next update, we have huge features in line.

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